Karoo Ridge accommodation

Yesterday’s lunch?

Yesterday’s lunch?

Four of us stayed for 5 nights in the comfortable lodge on the Karoo Ridge Conservancy, which is about a mile away from the main farmhouse.

Two lodges are available providing accommodation on the Conservancy, which can be rented by the room or in their entirety. More information is available: https://karooridgeconservancy.com/ and https://www.facebook.com/karooridgeconservancy/


The Lodge 1600x1200 sRGB.jpg

The strong sunlight and weathered environment make for some graphic image opportunities.



Distant kopje.

Distant kopje.



Blue kopje

Blue kopje

Several walks are described in the lodge’s literature, indicated by arrowed signs: some of the climbs are steep and the ground is extremely rocky underfoot in places, but the views are rewarding.

Four intrepid hikers step out…

Four intrepid hikers step out…

First landmark is the Heuningkrantz, or Honey Cliffs, a weathered escarpment where locals collect honey from the wild bees that live there.

First landmark is the Heuningkrantz, or Honey Cliffs, a weathered escarpment where locals collect honey from the wild bees that live there.

Hunting for Aardvarks (allegedly).

Hunting for Aardvarks (allegedly).

Route marker.

Route marker.

Our dignity went that way, gentleman.

Our dignity went that way, gentleman.

The empty dam.

The empty dam.

Risking ankles and lots of expensive camera equipment on the stony ground.

Risking ankles and lots of expensive camera equipment on the stony ground.

View from the ridge.

View from the ridge.

Conservancy windmill, pumping water.

Conservancy windmill, pumping water.

The lodge.

The lodge.

We returned for lunch, ankles & cameras intact, and with only a few scratches and bruises.

The next post “Firearms and Fire-pits” (click left from here) illustrates how we spent the afternoon and evening of a great day…

Firearms and fire-pits

Karoo Ridge Conservancy wildlife