Cambridge After Christmas

Cambridge Camera Club’s ‘Documenting Cambridge’ project for December/January was loosely defined as ‘Cambridge around Christmas’, so I headed up to town on the Park & Ride in the early afternoon of January 3rd, my birthday, in search of Xmas themes. It started grey and cloudy, then intermittent rain appeared.

Trinity Street

To be honest, I wasn’t very impressed with the city’s seasonal efforts at festive decoration, but I did my best to document them plus a few other features that caught the eye, and people were mostly cheerfully enjoying a bit of shopping in the New Year sales.

These ARE the Good Old Days, Trinity St.

Unseasonal Treat, King’s Parade.

We can only see a short distance ahead… King’s Parade.

Grand Arcade Entrance.

St Edmunds Garden clearance.

Heffers Book of the Year 2023, Trinity St.

Wilfred’s Famous Chocolate, King’s Parade.

Rose Crescent.

Shinbashi at Night, Tokyo

Seville 2