An autumn Sunday in Cambridge

I went to 4 talks on the Sunday of the Cambridge Literary Festival, and in the 2 hours between each I used the high-ISO capabilities of my Sony to capture street foodies, early Christmas shoppers, market trading and the usual wacky Cambridge happenings handheld in the gathering gloom.



Lunch on the fountain.

Lunch on the fountain.

Mediterranean merguez.

Mediterranean merguez.

Filleting while you wait.

Filleting while you wait.

Cultural divide (no, I didn’t have the faintest idea what she was doing either).

Cultural divide (no, I didn’t have the faintest idea what she was doing either).

A sharp shower of rain in the early evening gave some nice reflections in the pavement.

Rose Crescent.

Rose Crescent.

Christmas tree au Magritte?

Christmas tree au Magritte?

Adjusting the stall.

Adjusting the stall.

Night market in the rain.

Night market in the rain.



Ambient light selfie.

Ambient light selfie.



Christmas window shopping.

Christmas window shopping.

Passing Remembrance

Mayfair and Kings Cross