Castara flamingos.
It’s always a pleasure to travel to a country where signwriting by hand is still practised, where local businesses paint their own adverts on their walls, and the international traveller is spared the tedious uniformity of global branding. The signwriter’s art can still be enjoyed in many Caribbean islands, and here’s a selection from Crown Point, Castara and Speyside in Tobago.
Bayside Mini Mart
People who know my photography might be surprised to see no conventional street photography images of people from Tobago. Tobagans tend to be very traditional and reserved (until one gets to know them, when mostly they are charming and extremely friendly), and I very quickly realised that a tourist with a camera wasn’t ignored, as one finds in the other Caribbean islands we have visited. Householders also were generally unkeen on anyone photographing their (frequently beautiful) gardens and houses.
So, I respected their privacy and did almost no street photography, and made few conventional travel photographs.
Depot Road.
Reef Boss.
Lionfish for Sale
Fullness of Joy.
African Black Ant.
Hand of God.
Massage Done Here.
We serve.