Impressions of the northern woods

We just returned from a wonderful holiday in Quebec Province in Canada, visiting the fascinating and contrasting cities of Montreal and Quebec City, and following loops north and south of the St Lawrence River to visit national parks and historic towns while driving between the two.

Mid-October in most years would be too late for the peak of fall colour that far north, but climate change worked in our favour in 2017 and the change was delayed. Accordingly we were treated to stonking displays of reds, oranges and yellows against largely blue skies.

Avoiding photographic clichés when that sort of display is all around is difficult (as is avoiding overloading the red channel in the resulting images), but here's an attempt, with a variety of intentional camera movements giving my impression of the Canadian Fall.

Click on the thumbnails to open in a Lightbox.


More waterfowl in North Staffordshire